Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Gmat Sentence Correction - 109 , 110, 111, 112

109). A wildlife expert predicts that the reintroduction of the caribou into northern Minnesota would fail if the density of the timber wolf population in that region is more numerous than one wolf for every 39 square miles.

(A) would fail if the density of the timber wolf population in that region is more numerous than

(B) would fail provided the density of the timber wolf population in that region is more than

(C) should fail if the timber wolf density in that region was greater than

(D) will fail if the density of the timber wolf population in that region is greater than

(E) will fail if the timber wolf density in that region were more numerous than

110). According to a panel of health officials, there has been a great deal of confusion in the medical profession about whether obesity is a biological disorder posing serious health risks or a condition more related to appearance than to health.

(A) about whether obesity is a biological disorder posing serious health risks or a condition more related to appearance than to

(B) with respect to obesity being a biological disorder posing serious health risks or if it is related more to appearance than

(C) over whether or not obesity is a biological disorder posing serious health risks or it is a condition more related to appearance than to

(D) about obesity and if it is a biological disorder posing serious health risks or a condition related to appearance more than to

(E) concerning whether obesity is a biological disorder posing serious health risks or it is a condition related to appearance more than

111). According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.

(A) like that of earlier generations

(B) as that for earlier generations

(C) just as earlier generations did

(D) as have earlier generations

(E) as it was of earlier generations

112). According to a recent study by Rutgers University, the number of women in state legislatures has grown in every election since 1968.

(A) the number of women in state legislatures has grown

(B) the number of women who are in state legislatures have grown

(C) there has been growth in the number of women in state legislatures

(D) a growing number of women have been in state legislatures

(E) women have been growing in number in state legislatures


109). OA - D - "would" is in general used for hypothetical or probable situations (in past). For definite prediction we should use "will".

A, B - incorrect - use of would

C - incorrect -for prediction, would/will is more appropriate - should is wrong here.

A, E - incorrect - density is a measure, it cannot be numerous. Further more numerous is unidiomatic.

110). OA - A

B - incorrect - use of being must be avoided

C - incorrect - whether or not is redundant

D - incorrect - use of if wrong here - if is used for condition

E - incorrect - more should be placed before related

111). OA - E - right comparison - According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was of earlier generations

is still a goal of a it was [the goal] of earlier generations

A, B - incorrect - ambiguous that. Further lack a verb corresponding to is.

C - incorrect - use of did (verb) incorrect - did cannot correspond to is(verb)

D - incorrect - use of have (verb) incorrect - have cannot correspond to is(verb)

112). OA - A - the number...has grown

B - incorrect - the number (singular)....have grown (plural)

C - incorrect - wordy - there has

D - incorrect - 'have been' wrong tense - we need present perfect rather than past perfect progressive

E - incorrect - distorts the meaning

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