Sunday, January 20, 2008

SC's Question number - 809 , 810

809). The proposed urban development zones do not represent a new principle; it was employed in “Operation Bootstrap” in Puerto Rico.

(A) do not represent a new principle; it

(B) represent not a new principle, but one that

(C) are not a new principle; the same one

(D) are not a new principle, but one that

(E) are not new in principle; it

810). The prospect of a new wave of automobile imports has prompted domestic manufacturers to reduce staff, close plants, and offering buyers financial incentives so they stay competitive.

(A) reduce staff, close plants, and offering buyers financial incentives so they

(B) reduce staff, close plants, and offer financial incentives to buyers in order to

(C) reducing staff, closing plants, and the offer of financial incentives to buyers so they can

(D) staff reductions, closing plants, and offering buyers financial incentives in order to

(E) a reduction of staff, plant closings, and offering financial incentives to buyers to


809). OA - B - idiomatic - ...not X but Y........

A, C, E - incorrect - unidiomatic

C, D - incorrect - wrongly suggest that proposed urban development zones are a new principle

810). OA - B - maintaining parallelism -....reduce staff, close plants, and offer financial incentives...

A, C, D, E - incorrect - violating parallelism

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